Monday, May 20, 2013

He's Smearious


KoolEMac said...

Lol. But is he signing off as dick, or calling the guy dick?

ogjohny5 said...

i think he is signing off as DICK...the neighbor is asshole can be an asshole and a bitch but not an asshole and a dick ...its just not got

Anonymous said...

He's signing off as Dick since his neighbor is an asshole.. And we all know that Dicks fuck Assholes.. (Team America anyone?) xD

Arrt said...

I'm with KoolEMac, I think he is calling the fouling dog's handler / owner a asshole AND a dick. Sounds right to me.

Anonymous said...

I missed the "!"
So i read: I will find you and smear it on your family dick, as in communal dick. as in the father of the household is the family dick which made me laughter so hard. Thought it was a cultural thing