Thursday, February 2, 2012

What the fuck were you thinking when you looked in the mirror?

I know some of you are reading this, licking your chops, wondering what woman or group of women I am going to kick off their self-made pedastal today. Well, I hate to break it to you, but as you can see from the picture above, today I am focusing on the gents. Particularly, their faces. More particularly, their facial hair.

Men's facial hair is almost as much of a hot topic as a lady's vag hair. And like the downtown lady mop, everyone has an opinion, a taste or a preference of what they like and don't like. Just for the record, I likes me a lady who is bald below, but when it comes to a man that is completely dependent on the person. I have seen men who I think are sexy as fuck with facial hair and then when I saw them with out it, I was all, "Huh, I wanted to hit that? Must have been beard-goggles." On the other hand, I have seen some clean shaven men who suddenly don a moustache and voila! Chris Hanson is knocking on their door, asking them where they got that white van and puppy from, and if they knew the girl on the internet they were talking to was 15.

However, there is one type of facial hair that not even Sean Connery can make sexy. Yes, I have a Sean Connery fetish. He is sexy as fuck, even if he is 183. His voice alone is liquid panty remover. That man has rocked facial hair off and on since before he fucked your mom or your grandma, but the one thing that not even that Scotsman could make sexy is the Chin Strap.

A Chin Strap has to be the most ridiculous fucking thing a man can do to his face. It's like the Chola eyebrows of men's facial hair. Most of them look like they were drawn on with Sharpies, too. It looks like a porn star's pussy hair on the face, if it is one of the thin ones. If it is one of the thick ones, then the guy just looks Amish and instead of wanting to fuck him, I want him to churn some butter for me. I want to meet the first motherfucker who thought "I am going to shave this pencil thin moustache and beard around my face and bitches are gonna go NUTS for it." Newflash. Looking like a busted, 3rd rate, wanna be Back Street boy is not going to get you laid. Unless, the girl has some Chola eyebrows. I shudder to think of what those babies are going to look like, with all that fucked up facial hair going on.

When I see some fucker sporting the Chin Strap, thinking he is awesome in his Affliction shirt and that shit is crooked, I laugh my fucking ass off. Can't you tape that shit off, or something and get your lines right? If you are going to have a facial equvalent of a landing strip, the least you can do is make that shit tight and even. I can't even go into people who actually put designs and shit into their chin strap. That douchbaggery makes me want to punch them in their taint. And those guys who have that full, Amish-looking, Children of the Corn-creepy as fuck shit- Why? Why? Why? Do you want to look like you have a permanet case of "rape-face?" Because you do, Rapey McRaperstein.

All of this hate for the chin strap was brought to the surface by the waiter I had at lunch yesterday. Here I am, at a restaurant with my best friend, who was visitng from out of town, and we are basking in the warm sun and enjoying the people watching. All of a sudden this motherfucker with the most rapey voice I have ever heard and the most busted 1999 Chin Strap came over to take our drink order. I couldn't even focus on the task at hand because I was so disgustmerized (see what I did there, yep- new word) by his facial hair I could only order water. I was so fucked up over this I had to text a guy friend of mine (who also happens to have some sexy ass facial hair) and ask him his opinion of this facial fuckery. We were all in agreement. Chin-Strap = BAD. I thought maybe I just had a case of the bitchies that day, but thankfully my opinion was validated as being true and correct.

I want to put this into some perspective for the men who think that this is some sexy ass shit on them. The time you spend grooming that pencil thin chin strap could be time spent grooming me. With your dick. And I am more likely to actually let you do this if every time I see your face I don't have flashbacks to my days in the club as a raver girl. So, put your shiny shirt away, shave that shit proper OR let it grown into some sexy facial hair and I will show you my landing strip. Oh wait, I don't have one. But with that fuckery on your face you will never actually see if I am telling the truth about
it or not.

This PSA has been brought to you by the coalition to end Chin Straps, and I approve this message.


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have to disagree with an entry on here. If done right and on the right guy, it's yummy. My BF is hot as fuck and it looks good on him (chin strap going into goatee). I've seen some people that are as you describe and should be slapped across the face for it, but don't rule it out completely.

Anonymous said...

yeah i have to agree with Anon over there...sometimes it can be rather hot.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with the last two posts. It looks stupid!! I dont care how hot a guy is if he shaves like this he loses all hotness.

Anonymous said...

Rapey McRaperstein?! Classic shit...ROFLMMFAO

Anonymous said...

Isnt it strange that the only difference between a doucher chinstrap and a full beard is the moustache... and the only difference between pedo and normal beard is a chinstrap?

Anonymous said...

chin straps are queer, regardless of "how hot" your bf is... just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Rapey voice! Fucking fantastic. Love this

Julie said...

Beard goggles! That's my new favorite phrase. I love me some beards. BUT NOT FUCKING CHIN STRAPS!

And yeah, that waiter was gross. I didn't want his chin strap anywhere near my tuna carpaccio.

Rowdy Reign said...

I am not a fan of facial hair, especially when it gets near my vagina! -shiver-

Anonymous said...

The chin strap is not sexy on anyone. Ever. If you're boyfriend has one then you better check the registered sex offender list. He's most likely on there.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the stupidity going on with the chin strap. Actually, I agree with everything you said.

Anonymous said...


Krista Galagan said...

DING DING DING!!! We gotta a mother fucking winner chicken dinner over here. I could not AGREE more! I never understood the point and it is a serious turn off.

Anonymous said...

I agree, its not sexy. I love a man with the hadn't shaved in about 3 days beard. That is sexy!

Anonymous said...

As a female u don't really care for it much, it really depends on the guy. Now as a barber I love it. It's easy to do, makes men feel young n sexy n makes my pockets happy. So leave the chin straps alone, I like making $$$.

Anonymous said...

Now my cheeks hurt from laughing so much..I was dating a guy for a bit that had facial hair that was fuuucked, then at some point reality hit me in the damn face and I was like, wait a second, have I been drunk throughout this entire relationship..this dude is fugly as fuck..Really? Oh I am way too hott for this shit. Damn, and I was seen out with him?! Ya I think I'll stay home for a few weekends, let it blow over. Lmao!!!

Giovanni said...

Hey I've had my "chinstrap" as u call it for like 6 years and all my girlfriends have loved it, by the way where I come from we call it a "line up", and I bet u even with this "line up" I could get in ur pants girl

Anonymous said...

blood you hella wack