Sunday, August 28, 2011

J-Wunder's Jersey Shore Review

The topic today surrounds 3 mother fuckers by the name of Juice-head Ronnie, Twat Face Sammie and Mike "The Snitch-uation". Although I'm disappointed that the show ended like a mother fucking soap opera, I do have my thoughts on Episode 4. Shall we begin you silly fucks? Lets do this...

Dear Ronnie and Sammie, Go fucking kill yourselves...NOW MOTHER FUCKERS!:
In Episode 3, these two crazy fucks got back together. All was well right? WRONG. Remember what I said in my last review? Here's a fucking refresher:

"We all know damn well that whenever these two get back together, by the 5th day, they are throwing shit at each other and saying things that make me look like a goddamn fucking saint."

Sound familiar? Well, low and fucking behold guess what happens when the roommates head out to the club on this episode? Ronnie is dancing on the stage and up pops Sammie who accuses Ron-Ron for dancing with two other bitches. I mean, really cunt? Are you fucking shitting me?! Rule #22 of how you know your girlfriend is crazy: The bitch sees shit no one else does. Real fucking talk.

I'm watching this shit with my own two eyes and what I failed to notice was, where were these two tramps Sammi accused Ron-Ron of grinding with? Ok, there was some broke ass Italian bitch next to him, but fuck...the dude's body was turned the other way. Once Sammi's delusional ass saw what America failed to fucking notice, the plot started to thicken and these two mother fuckers started doing what they do best: ARGUE. Tell me something people...if you're in a relationship where you were together, then broke up, got along 15% of the time, wished death upon one another 138 times and I don't know, fucked a few people along the way, THEN got back together (92 times) that healthy? I mean, I'm not a fucking love doctor but I'm also not fucking stupid. For fuck's sake, these two are killing me. It's to the point where America knows what's gonna happen with these two slap dicks. The drama was funny the first two seasons. But drama for four fucking seasons? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. These two head cases need to be assassinated...immediately.

You would fucking think that with so much arguing from these two twats, that they wouldn't have anything more to argue about. See, that's how you know mother fuckers are crazy. Because after a while, they just find random shit to fight over. Like this bitch Sammi calling out Ronnie for dancing with two bitches that were probably 100 yards away from the mother fucker. Ain't that some shit, America?! MTV better find ways to make this more interesting because at this point, I might jump through the goddamn tv screen and choke a bitch...Wayne Brady style.

Mike, you're fucked bro.:
I'll make this short and sweet. Hey, Mr. Fuck Face...your time has finally fucking come. For all the shit talking, bad mouthing, back stabbing, conniving, and manipulative things you pulled the last 4's all about to bite you in your goddamn ass. Or should I say, it's about to end in a very big ass kicking compliments of the most unstable roommate, Ronnie.

Towards the end of this episode, I really wasn't sure why you attempted to act all crazy with the yelling, chest puffing and for lack of a better term, "aggressive" behavior. Was it fear that you're about to get your ass kicked by Ronnie, the psycho? I'll take what is YES for $1,000, Alex.

You can't mind your own business, huh? Everything that surrounds you, needs to involve you. The drama. The relationships. The day to fucking day bullshit. Well I hope you're happy mother fucker, because your wish came true. While you couldn't leave shit alone things snow balled. In fact, it snow balled so bad that Sammi ratted you out for her own selfish reasons (because lets be honest, this bitch is mother fucking crazy), to make you learn your lesson. Just so happens, with that, is about to come an ass kicking America has been longing for. Shit, I know I fucking have.

No need to get into the details and the thick of things. Just know this...Mike, is gonna get knocked the fuck out and I'm going to rejoice. I'm going to laugh because the dude with the "amazing abs" is gonna get laid the fuck out, taken to the hospital, and who slightly fucking retarded from the ass kicking we are going to witness in Episode #5 on Thursday.

Grab some popcorn bitches...I have a feeling this will be the episode no one wants to miss. And if you do, you always have my review to rely on. I'm out this bitch. 

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