Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guess he really wanted that THREESOME.

“A man killed his wife and children after introducing her to a lesbian partner that broke up their marriage, a court heard.

According to prosecutors, James Kraig Kahler wanted to introduce another woman into the couple's sex life - leading Karen Kahler to begin a lesbian affair that he then blamed for the breakdown of their marriage.

A defense attorney for Kansas-based Kahler, who could face the death penalty if convicted, later dismissed that claim as 'a fantasy.'

Kahler, 48, is accused of fatally shooting his estranged wife, her grandmother and the Kahlers' two teenage daughters.

They were killed with an automatic weapon the weekend after Thanksgiving 2009 in the grandmother's home near Burlingame, about 20 miles south of Topeka.

Kahler's attorneys contend he had been mentally ill for months.”

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