Yesterday, there I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed. When all of the sudden, I stumbled upon this:
"What do you do when 2 of your close friends are banging the same dude and neither of the women know about it? I chose to keep my mouth shut, not my business. Then it backfired on me when one of them called like "you knew this whole time bitch?!" umm ok. Guess I should learn to stab friends in the back? Lol. All I can do is laugh I suppose. That's two friends I just lost. Oops?"
So what do you do folks? What do you do when you know damn well that two good friends are fucking the same person? I'll tell you what you do exactly what this chick did. You don't say shit. Here's why:
Look, I get that "good friends" are supposed to tell each other EVERYTHING, but lets be real...we hide shit from our friends. Why? Because we fucking have to. Let's not sit here and lie to ourselves people. If you can hide shit from your own family, you sure as hell don't tell your "good friends" everything. Real fucking talk.
Situations like this aren't easy. Why? Well because you know the two people close to you, are being fucked...literally and figuratively speaking. And just the fact that you know what they don't, is good enough reason to automatically shut your goddamn mouth. Why be in the middle of a love triangle? Why put yourself in a situation where you will have to be that shoulder to cry on? Why have to take sides when this blows up? Why nothing...fuck all that noise. Last I checked, we're all adults here. Your ass is grown...if you're too stupid to figure shit out, then why bother, right?
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Don't get in the middle of shit. You're going to end up pissing both of them off, and it won't end mother fucking well. But in your case, you kept your mouth shut and you still ended up losing. But was it really a loss? If you ask were just saving yourself the drama. And we all know ladies LOVE drama. #itsaWIN
Friends, life is a fucking game. You either play the game with caution, or come in, guns fucking blazing. Looks like those two friends were blazing alright...on one cock...and didn't even know it. But who are you gonna blame? The friend that shut her mouth? Hell no, you're not. She didn't do shit. She's just sitting back, eating some goddamn popcorn enjoying what's about to become a complete shit show. The only person they should be mad at, are themselves. Damn straight.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they got played. By one dude. Who got to fuck both of them AND probably a few other chicks along the way. Always remember...when you get played, you feel like a fool...the way to deal with it, is to be mad at others. Was it kinda fucked up by the friend that knew? Sure it was. But again, it ain't her business to begin with. See no evil, hear no evil. That's life.
My opinion on the situation? Good fucking riddance. These fucking "friends" of yours are dirty whores and they should probably be mad at this dude, and not you. Then again, are they really whores? Fuck it, they are whores for the sake of this conversation. What I want to know is, how long did this go on before shit hit the fan? Better yet, was he raw doggin'? Raw doggin' is pretty fucking cool.
If you want to know if dudes would ever pull some shit like this chick did? My answer is no. Why? Because dudes don't care if they are just "fucking" somebody...even if it's the same chick. C'mon...I thought you knew. Sharing is caring.
If you want to know if dudes would ever pull some shit like this chick did? My answer is no. Why? Because dudes don't care if they are just "fucking" somebody...even if it's the same chick. C'mon...I thought you knew. Sharing is caring.
I have 3 different men and they all know about each other, they just do not know each other......I plays my cards SAFELY.
Haha... Real talk!!!
I agree, Fuck it.
Real talk. Caught the ex's new man with another broad. Smiled and walked away. Didn't say shit. Decided for the ex to find out on her own. Can't wait for the show.
The fact that she lost her friends over this bullshit says a lot. For one those dirty whoores wanted someone to blame and she was an easy Target. And two is there more to the story that poor little miss I lost my friends is not saying? And three there not friends there hookers, and ur just a funnel to dump there dirty little secrets on.
Oh n I'm sure that all three of them talk Shit about eachother, so what's the fucking difference. N yet this dude sits back n feels like a pump. Except he is a pump probably carrying std.
your pal knows that you know its got fuse's waiting to blow [ ever been told you hands mimic an octupuss so the sage is set with the lights real dark when your pal needs a leek you take over n if it looks like the games up the clown you beat up on the pool table still with the lights dark sling him onto the bed after a squirt of the same after shave go back to the pool table drink n let your pal look at two confused stupid sluts fain all igorence of wot d fuss about n two naughty girls in their heads think they've cheated each other n have cat fight n at breafast time of the table no had done said !
Pimp. I mean Pimp
Dude, what?
Or you can just invite your 2 friends to go out and told both of them at the same time and just don't take any side!!! Easy as that!!! Geez
Yeah... what?
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