Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lost In Translation


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No shit. Cyrus!

Anonymous said...

I meant CYRUS! Damn autocorrect!

Anonymous said...

Cant trust em...

Anonymous said...

Fuck! It did it again. CRACKING THE FUCK UP!

Alex said...

Lmfao he obviously didn't really fuck her 3 best friends but damn what a dumb ass! Haha

Anonymous said...

Lol that was her sayin she was fuckin around yo

Anonymous said...

I swear my friend did somethin like that a couple weeks ago but his girl aint said nothin bout sleepin wit any1 else

Anonymous said...

alex you tool.. it was her saying that to him.

Anonymous said...

the delivery of the texts is backwards....the top should read boyfriend. unless that's a dude calling his girlfriend a "prickass"

Anonymous said...

Agreed ^^

coleman said...

^^ i third that notion. also i saw the original. on dyac i think it was

Anonymous said...

Unless they're lesbians...