Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Fair Weather, Hater, Bandwagon Sports Fan

Question for you so-called sports fans...Are you FINALLY happy that the Los Angeles Lakers got swept by the Dallas Mavericks in the 2nd round of the NBA Playoffs? Man, you fucks must be, huh? I mean, winning 5 Championships in 11 years, going to the Finals, 7 of the last 11, must have just pissed you cunts right off?! Tell me, how do you sleep at night, hating another team that isn't yours? I mean, you say you don't like the Lakers but you talk more about them then anything else...your girlfriend, spouse, hell, your own fucking team for that matter. I hate a lot of teams. But you know what? I don't talk about them. Why would I? I fucking hate them. Is that weird?

As I watched my Facebook and Twitter News Feed blow up with ridiculous comments about one of the most storied franchises in NBA history, I realized something. I realized that these people that hold so much hate, have no life. How do you do it folks? How do you sit around watching the game...laptop and cell in hand...ready to blast off 50 messages in 10 minutes about "this mother fucker sucks", "Kobe ain't MJ", "Hahaha, fuck you Lakers", and not stop? What do you get from it, other than people saying, "This mother fucker is a goddamn idiot?" You do realize as much as you talk about the team you hate, others think you are probably sucking the coaches dick for free tickets and giving the bench players reach-arounds for signed napkins, right? Like I said, I hate a lot of fucking teams out there, but not enough to warrant 7 days of my goddamn life talking about how much I hate them. Don't you mother fuckers got bills to pay? Pussy to fuck? A pizza to eat? Roofies to slip in some bitches drink? A carpet to fucking vacuum? Are the Lakers that good of a team to have you stressin'? Some of you read that and are probably saying, "I'm not stressing at all. I just hate those mother fuckers." My point, exactly. You're stressing. Stressing like a little fucking bitch that can't leave it alone. Talking like you're someone that predicted them to lose. Lemme guess, your team fucking sucks too, right? Fucking cunts.

I didn't want to write this but thought I should, based on the simple fact that, every Lakers fan would agree. Actually, every fan of a winning franchise would agree. Haters hate because they can't stand seeing others succeed. Take it for what it is, but the reality is, people like that, approach life the same fucking way. "Aaaah bullshit, J. I don't act like that." You don't? You sure? Because I don't know one person I've come across that can have so much hate towards a goddamn professional sports team, not really act like that in reality. You are what you fucking eat. Remember that. No ones saying you can't hate. But if you do, leave it at that. It's people like you that don't know shit about anything you're talking about. Trust me. 95% of people reading this will agree. Including some of you fucking haters that are getting called out as we speak. You sound like that guy that still talks about his ex-girlfriend from 5 years ago. There's a reason why the bitch left you. Leave it at that and move on. You talking about it, just makes you look like an idiot.

I'm a die hard fan. One that knows the history of my team and rides the wave win or lose. And even though I had a feeling the Lakeshow were gonna lose because Dallas was playing lights out, I still watched and almost cried. Fuck you for laughing. It's an emotional game, what can I say. I'm not a bitch ass Kings fan that hasn't watched a game since Robert Horry put a dagger in their hearts in 2002. Nor am I the "jump back on the bandwagon" one-time Warriors fan that beat the Mavs back in 2007. Can't forget about you Bulls fans that are back from the dead over a decade later to see D-Rose make a run. Where the fuck were you after MJ got his second 3-peat? That's right, not watching the sport. Because that's what you fair-weather fucks do. Cheer when you win, talk shit about other teams when your team hasn't done shit for days. Lets not even talk about the Miami Heat. Doing that would just get ugly. Tell me Heat fans, who was on their full roster prior to them winning their first title? Who was on their full roster prior to LBJ, Bosh, Miller, Bibby and a fuck load more talent signing with them? Take your time...I'm sure Google and will help you answer that.

The fair-weather bullshit fan. They are EVERYWHERE. Matter of fact, 50% of them are reading this shit right now and are laughing. Not because this articles funny, but because they look like a fucking idiot. Watch the sport, follow your team and actually cheer for them when they lose for years on-end. You might learn something.

My seasons done...time to wait for the Raiders season to begin.


Anonymous said...

I like the Hawks and have since the Mookie Blaylock era. No one knows who that is except people that watch b-ball. Amen, J-Wunder!

Anonymous said...

Fuck all them hater ass faggots!!!!



Anonymous said...

My facebook blew up today...all Kings fans. What city are they moving to now? Fuck you!!!

Anonymous said...

I never understood haters that hate. Especially when it's not even their team. Good read, JW.

Anonymous said...

Fuck this post and fuck you. So what, if there are "fair weather fans" or band wagoners. Who gives a shit. They're always going to be around. The only one that sounds stressed is you homeboy. Mr. Emotional Basketball Fan. Mr. Where have you been?? I've been watching all my life. I bet sports get more attention from you than your girlfriend does. That's if she hasn't left you yet because she was tired of you choosing sports over her. I'm just saying. I give credit where it's due and the Lakers are a great team. But I can care less about them. How about when the Lakers picked up Karl Malone and Gary Payton?? Nobody said shit about that "Super Team". What's so different about Miami?? Who gives a shit. I think people that are truly indulged into sports like you, really need to get a life. You may act all cool on this blog shit. I know it's all a front. So go ahead and sulk because your precious Lakers lost and sit with your finger up your ass until football season starts.

Anonymous said...

Wow guy...dude wrote a column on some shit that is obvious and you get all mad and start attacking. How do you feel when a sports writer prints a column that you don't like? Ease up gangster lean. You sound like a tough guy behind a bunch of words. Kinda like these haters that talk shit. You're pathetic HOMEBOY.

Nice job, J!

J-Wunder said...

I like your style Mr. Tough Guy. Such passion and charisma. Nice! So what's next? We gonna hug it out or are you plotting to kill me, Junior Mafia? Let me know so we can talk about it over a drink or something.

Anonymous said...

JWunder- I think you hurt his Vagina!!!


J. Wyatt

VIP (Dante) said...

Hahaha. This nerdy filipino dude posted his comment as "anonymous" because he knows he actually sounds stupid.

I could go on and on and blast him, but I won't. All I'll say is that J-Wunder told it like it really is and I agree with him.

"Anonymous" said that you are so indulged in sports that you need to get a life...well what the fuck is he doing? He's posted the longest comment so far on a blog article about...SPORTS! So he's the retard!

Also, The Lakers picked up Karl Malone and Gary Paton at the end of their careers, for barely any money, and only played them a few minutes here and there. Totally different that Miami. (just for the record)

Great post J!

Anonymous said...

I want to meet this guy and fucc his butthole
After he tosses my salad of course......i hope this mutha fucca realizes the people and power u possess cuzz wen and if i do come across this bitch ass mutha fucca well i mean if he has balls enuff to come wit it i am guna DEVIRGINIZE HIS ASS!!!! please agree to post ur name and address!!


Jazzy Nizzle said...

I'd watch what you say if I were you Mr. Anonymous cuz I'm a girl and I'll bitchslap you! Can't handle the truth eh?! It's a god damb blog idiot, you don't like it, don't read it!! Praise on Jay Wunder!!!

Jeff Wyatt said...