Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rapid Fire with J-Wunder

Today's topic: Living in the NOW and RANDOM world with J-Wunder.

Q: What are you thinking about at this very moment?

A: Fucking a mermaid.

Q: Really?

A: No. Mermaids aren't real dip shit.

Q: Ok, what has bugged you today?

A: The fact that every Asian woman I've seen in the city wearing high heels look like strippers.

Q: And that bugs you?

A: When they have heads the size of a goddamn T-Rex, fuck yes it bugs me. How is that shit sexy? Looking like a bunch of goddamn bobble heads terrorizing the city of San Francisco in stiletto's.

Q: Your thoughts on "Hump Day"?

A: It's fucking stupid. Just like "Sunday Funday". What the fuck do both those things mean?

Q: Well, "Sunday Funday" is a day where people can enjoy the last day of the weekend before the work week. And "Hump Day" is the middle of the week. Get it?

A: I get that it's fucking stupid and you're a goddamn pussy. Why would the day before going back to work be fucking fun? That's like eating a chick out a day before she starts her period. Risky business...get that? And as for "Hump Day"...ain't no fucking humping going on where I'm at. Save the cutesy names and just call that shit "Middle of the weekday".Twat.

Q: Bad day I take it?

A: I will slap you son then go have sex with your mother.

Q: Do you feel like you're losing your touch?

A: In bed? No. With your mom? Yes.

Q: I mean with your blog?

A: I'm going to have sex with your mom.

Q: That wasn't the question.

A: Then I'm going to have sex with your mom and sister.

Q: Still not the answer.

A: It is when I'm giving them both the shocker and they are saying, "More you dirty Wunderboy, you."

Q: You're an asshole.

A: Tell me something I don't know already.

Q: How much hate mail do you get weekly?

A: It's not hate's "I'm jealous of you mail."

Q: How much?

A: Enough to make my dick dance.

Q: This session is over, isn't it?

A: Time to drink. Yes.It.Is.


Anonymous said...

You're a crazy dude, you know that? Haha

Anonymous said...

You know what's even crazier? This is J's internal dialogue with himself.