Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"You do what, exactly?" - The Passer Off-er

There is no arguing that some people work harder than others.
There is no arguing that some people are better at their jobs than others.
There is no arguing that some people are just frankly smarter than others.

Don't worry, this is not one of those rants. Things like that just can't be fixed.

I'm talking about when you stop dead in your tracks and realize that for some odd reason, that you're doing someone's fucking job FOR THEM. Last time I checked, I wasn't assigned to do bitch work. So how the fuck am I constantly being asked to do shit that isn't in my goddamn job description? Is there an employee shortage that I wasn't aware of since I am now doing work for two different departments now? Ain't this some shit. I'll hand it to these mother fuckers, they have a real talent for doing fucking nothing all day and getting credit for shit they don't do. I'm talking about those shady ass "Passer Off-er's".

Hey dick fuck, I get you're busy blowing your fucking boss underneath his desk, but do you really think I just sit at my desk and jack off to midget porn all goddamn day long? For your information numb nuts, I actually have a real position, and I got a lot more fucking responsibilities than you do. But for some strange reason, you think it's ok to give me your bullshit job duties. News flash vaginahontas: Your failure to plan, does not equal an emergency for me.

I mean, what do you fucking do for 8 hours besides kiss your bosses ass and fetch him fucking coffee all day? Wait, lemme guess...you have to do some highly confidential, phantom power point presentation because you think what you do for a job is actually meaningful? Get out of here with that bullshit...you think we don't know you get paid less than a McDonald's employee mother fucker? What are you looking for? Your fellow co-workers congratulating your sorry ass for saving up 3 months worth of pay to finally buy that shitty looking shirt you've been dying to have? Why don't you just wear fucking thigh highs while you're at it dick. You look like a goddamn tranny gone wrong, you silly cunt. Please note, the use of the word "cunt" is used differently in this situation then when describing Sammi on the Jersey Shore. If you are offended by my choice of descriptive language, please, by all means...go fuck yourself. But I digress...

I wish there was a rule where dumb fucks like this were allowed to get thrown out of windows for being...well, dumb. Fuck how everyone "just loves their personality and energy". I got energy too, and I'm about to use it by kicking their ass in the goddamn face and karate chopping them in the fucking nut sack. For fuck's sake man, what do these folks honestly do all fucking day again? That's right, NOTHING. Their ass is too busy passing shit off to other people because they don't even know what the fuck they do. Or should I say, they might just be too fucking stupid to do it. I swear they got one of those jobs where they're always "super busy" but everyone around them always asks, "how?"

How does someone that has no meaningful workload happen to stay busy? And when I say "busy," I mean work that doesn't apply to real life situations. Hey, the shredder is over there asshole. I'm sure you know how to stick paper in the goddamn slot yourself. I think I've seen you work harder in an 8 hour shift shopping on-line then actually doing whatever it is you call a job. And what is up with all the questions? Haven't you been here long enough, mother fucker? Your ass is still asking questions you were suppose to ask on day 1 of your goddamn employee orientation?

I guess most importantly I ask, why in fuck's sake did you decide to throw your goddamn work off on me? What did I ever do to you asshole? And WHY am I not getting paid your salary on top of mine?

The "Passer Off-er".  They exist...EVERYWHERE!  It doesn't matter what you do and what you know...these assholes love doing nothing all day and getting credit for shit they don't do.  Is it right?  If it was, would my fucking ass be writing this shit as we speak? Uhhh, NO.

All hard workers beware of the sonofabitch that could potentially make your lives miserable...

It's all fun and games until someone ends up on a milk carton, right?  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree! I work in a place just like that & it drives me fucking nuts!