Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Translator Please???

What on fucking earth does any of this mean?  I know for damn sure this shit ain't English.  Doesn't sound like fucking Spanish.  I really don't know if a Chinese person could translate what the fuck is going on either.  This is what America has come to people.  Mother fuckers talking in retarded code. 

"What" is fucking right!  Oh, and if anyone can tell me what the fuck a "darly" is, I'll give you 20 bucks.


Anonymous said...

I think she meant Dearly and I'll take'em in ones! Holla!

Jason said...

dearly is what I thought too!

Anonymous said...

I love the next comment about no sense and no brain. smh. :-\

Anonymous said...

Cause removing letters from words still make them words? diploma anyone?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Darling....

Anonymous said...

That gave me a headache trying to read that bullshit -___-

*Laura* said...

Yup....u will be missed Dearly! Lmao! Wow........dictionary please.....YHU? Really?? What a sad day for the world to see :( but I bet she felt real good after posting this!

Anonymous said...

Someone take her phone/keyboard/internet access and uterus. This trick better not have kids.

Anonymous said...

There's always a girl in a scary movie like a lake scary movie and this girl hears something and someone is stalking her like a hawk and then like if she in the cabin and hears something she has the nerve to go outside! What is wrong with you, you make me sick and then this girl dies very impressing like really, you hear this dont freakin do something to make you die cause you will be missed dearly lol lml lmaoo....

Translation finished...

Anonymous said...

Christ on a cracker! She should just kill herself.

Anonymous said...

Someone please throw a dictionary at this fool...

Anonymous said...

Translation appreciated ^
But fuckin A, I'm still not wholly positive what point she was trying to put across

Thomas S. said...

Sorry but its just as scary when someone can accually translate that shit.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! You hit the nail on the head! Do society a favor, don't just tie those tubes, rip out the whole uterus, fallopian tubes and all.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Enough said... Moron

Unknown said...

That bitch is illiterate.

Anonymous said...

yes tak dis triks uterus

Anonymous said...

WTF?! I can't believe this bitch. Someone needs to just punch her in the crotch!

Anonymous said...

Translation definitely appreciated. Seriously that can be used in a campaign slogan for literacy. Smh

Thomas S. said...

I was thinking more like the throat, and cut her fingers and thumbs off too.

Anonymous said...

shes clearly talkin about politics.

Banana Stickers said...

Interesting translation. I read it as, "I'm too defective for contact with the outside world and cannot be trusted with small animals and/or house plants".

StephiMoran said...

I don't understand why people type like that. When it takes longer to write something in "shorthand/stupid-as-hell-hand" it is no longer considered short. If it takes more time to write it in your own little language(oR lIkE DiS IsH rIgHt HuRr), you just look like an idiot of epic proportions. Now I have a headache...

Anonymous said...

Fucking ghetto asses n shit

Anonymous said...

And probably one of those annoying mother fuckers that doesn't know when to shut the Fuck up at the theatre .

Anonymous said...

Wut ya'll cudn red dat? U is so dum!
Just kidding ;P
I think she was trying to call out that one stupid girl every scary movie has. And she was trying to give us an idea of what she sounds like XD

Anonymous said...

No, she jus rutardid lyk all duh stoopid teengrs an dur slang shiii. No wundur r susiety is dum. If they put as much effort into school as they do tHAt StuPId shIt, tHeY miGhT haVe a CHanCe. DaS dUh TroOF rI DuRrRR.

Anonymous said...

I read the first two words and just gave up... That's our school system going to work :/

Anonymous said...

People like Mora need to be euthanized.

yoo said...

Wtf I understand slang and all but that's just retarded haha

greensnowball said...

I think this is proof of an alien invasion people! Obviously this poor creature is the product of a selective breeding program, and is going to be used as a nutritious after school snack for their young. Just a theory....for now. Bahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Only in America. Fucking idiots...

Anonymous said...

It takes longer to read that shit than it does a whole paragraph from one the commenters.
Might I also Add that I have seen so many young girls on my FB newsfeed that write the same way and when you talk to them in person they don't even talk with half of the slang they sling on their social networking pages. It's a sad urban attempt to sound hard and it's just an epic fail.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I've heard of people saying the word like in conversation, but typing the word like!!! Really?!!

Anonymous said...

^Hahaa. Yes!!