Friday, February 25, 2011

A Healthy Shopping List

Wonder why America is so fucking obese? Your answer lies in this grocery list. Not really sure what the fuck Cedar Cheese is, or bannas.  What I do know are Hot Pockets, and if you eat enough, your ass will be sitting on the goddamn toilet for a week straight.  3 ketchups?  Jesus fucking Christ...what the hell do you need 3 ketchups for? You looking to eat all of McDonald's or something?

I'm almost positive this family does not know what a treadmill looks like. Yeah, I'm 100% positive.


Danielle said...

was this list made by one of the parents?? cuz they can't spell worth shit either! winnies?? really?!?! and i just love how cigs were first on the list, until the others added at the top!

Emily said...

LMAO @ mus-TURD.