Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Show Some Love on my Fan Page - "Like" It

I'm funny right?  I mean, not as funny as Dave Chappelle or Eddie Murphy but I'm still fucking funny.

I know ya'll got a Facebook account.  If a 5 year old does, I know your ass does too.  

So why don't you help a fucking brother out and show some love.  Go to my fan page and "Like" it.  Even if you don't actually like me, at least like the fucking page.  It's funny.  Seriously.

Oh, and tell your friends.  So they can tell their friends.  And their friends friends.  And their friends friends friends. 

Grandparents are welcomed as well.  I'm sure they would invite me into their home after they read shit like "'ll find a sea of big dicks, little dicks, thick dicks, pencil dicks..."  I'm just what the doctor ordered for granny. 

Show me some love and I'll keep you laughing.  I promise.!/pages/The-J-Wunderful-Life/117277928337322

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