Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Obessed Pooper

You can't make this shit up. 


Anonymous said...

I've definitely seen weirder shit on Tyra.

J-Wunder said...

Weird is if she actually was addicted to eating shit.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to lie, while home sick, I've seen a couple episodes of Tyra. I'm convinced that Tyra picks only guests who have similar "problems" as she does. Do you see how interested that bitch is in every single guest? And even more so when the doctor/psychologist tells the guest what is wrong with them?

I'm telling ya, something's just not right with Tyra.

J-Wunder said...

That bitch is fucking CRAAAAZY!

Anonymous said...

if she (the blond) is obsessed with things in her ass, I could help her.