Monday, December 6, 2010

Your or You're?


Anonymous said...

Epic tattoo failure. The tattoo "artist" must have been a complete fucking retard too.

Anonymous said...

Wow...nevermind the tat fail! Those people are, oh shit, im at a loss for words here! Dumbass'

Bele said...

Now now Anon, you can't completely blame the artist. I have seen people argue that their spelling was correct and for the artist to just do it. As for the rant provided, I must agree with Christian, I could barely understand what those other people were saying! lmao epic fail and even more epic win! Great duo!

Belles said...

Bele, sadly I could understand what they were saying. I have family/friends who talk like that. It irritates the living hell out of me! :p great duo for sure.

Anonymous said...

Da fuq?

Anonymous said...

Fuckin Smart Dog!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if one of their family members did the tattoo.