Friday, December 17, 2010

You're Invited...With Exception

It's amazing how some invitations to parties strictly enforce certain rules. This applies to the people that are actually invited to the party.  Weird?  I'm still asking myself that same fucking question.  See below.

Dear J-Wunder,

Is this acceptable to have on an invitation you get from a friend?

“ hood rat bitches yo...if u look like and u r acting like a hood rat biotch then I get boot u da f out of my rancho yeh haw…no joke tho on the real me n my friends n family don’t put up wit dat!”

She’s the one who is inviting these people in the first place and then she insults them by telling them not to come looking like hood rats!



My thoughts:  Don't come to the party looking like a hood rat.  This means you, dear friends.  A mother fucker could get stabbed looking like they are soliciting prostitution.

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